CZW “Tangled Web 4” 8/12/11

CZW “Tangled Web 4” 8/12/11


Chrisjen Hayme, HyZaya, tHURTeen, Ryan McBride, Latin Dragon, Derek Frazier, Ty Hagan and Pinkie Sanchez

Matt Tremont vs. Rory Mondo

Sami Callihan vs. BJ Whitmer

Greg Excellent vs. CZW Owner DJ Hyde’s Mystery Opponent (The Nigerian Nightmares)

The Runaways (Joe Gacy/Ryan Slater) vs. BLK OUT (Ruckus/Alex Colon) vs. The Set (Lance Lude/J-Sinn) vs. Azrieal/Bandido, Jr

Champion Devon Moore vs. BLK JEEZ

Drake Younger vs. Scotty Vortekz

I was going to do a review of this show however it has been 2 weeks since I watched it and now i don’t wish to sit through it again, so I will make a few notes about Tangled Web 4.

The opening match was a series of dives and high-risk spots, lots of chaos and bad high-spot wrestling in the middle, then a flurry of finishes, and then a finish that seemed contrived considering there were 8-9 wrestlers in the match but just 3 made it into the ring for this long-winded finish. The 4-way tag title match wasn’t bad either but it wasn’t really good either, and whether or not Joe Gacy and Ryan Slater have been around too long, or whatever the hell their status is in CZW (I dont watch every show, just about 3-4 a year), I think they are the most professional LOOKING team in the group. Why they don’t get the win but it given to outsiders Azrieal and Bandido, I don’t know. This new tag team I have never seen before, The Set, man, they were awful in their look, but they did do some nice double team maneuvers.

Matt Tremont vs Little Mondo was shitty but I see something good in Tremont. If he were a few inches taller I’d say he had a future. Greg Excellent is a guy I simply don’t like to watch in the wrestling ring, but then to have him killed by the Nigerian Nightmares, well, it was great actually. I hate Greg Excellent. But that segment took way too long.

Sami Callihan vs BJ Whitmer was the best match on the show. they kicked each others ass, they told a great story with DJ Hyde, it was all very good.

The CZW World Title match was shitty. I like Black jeez a lot. I don’t understand the Devon Moore & CZW love affair. But the match was pitiful, although I believe Moore really hurt himself which called for the shitty finish. The only good thing I can honestly say was the chaos that ensued during and after this match and the Greg Excellent match; that is what makes CZW appealing to me.

Drake Younger vs Scotty Vortekz, a nice and nasty match but too contrived. This constant, incessant talk about the Naptown Dragons… who the hell has heard or cares about, the Naptown Dragons? It’s bizarre because from what I have read, there are just three guys in that group and one of them doesn’t even have his own wikipedia page, he doesn’t warrant a wiki page so then who cares to be honest about the Naptown Dragons? They trained together? Well, that’s cool for an under card match because Scotty Vortekz is a nice wrestler but to main event the guy is bizarre to me. Drake Younger as the Golden Boy is great and should stay a heel. Now I may be foggy on facts and that’s fine because I am not shooting this off to the Wall Street Journal or the NY Times, but IMO, just because a guy is willing to go through panes of glass or get dumped onto a web of barbwire, it doesn’t mean he should main event a card. And on top of that, Vortekz fucks his hand up early in the match, cuts it badly in a pane of glass spot, so you have this terrible injury this kid has to deal with throughout a dangerous match. There is a scaffold above the web of barbwire, and the spots coming off that scaffold just look like shit, totally set-up. Mondo and fat ass Zandig set their crazy spots up a lot better then Younger and Vortekz.

Rob Naylor is shit on commentary. Just the shits. I don’t even know who the other guy is, and I dont care. I miss Eric Gargiulo and John House. I would watch more CZW stuff if those two were announcing.

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